Sunday, January 4, 2009

How to start a Authentic Ancient Coins Collection?

If you are a new beginner and would like to start collecting authentic anceint coins, Here is my recommendation:
1) Buy a coin collection book which you can use as a cross reference.
2) Choose a country you like to collect.
3) Be more focus and targetted.
4) If you can't afford to pay more, then start from later century, then after some years of experience you may upgrade to the next level.
5) Do some reading on that country history you collected these coins.
6) Research on the history of the coin's minted.
7) Research on the background of the coin.

Serious collection studies:
8) Research on the design and pattern of coins
9) Research on those ancient inscriptions
10) Research on their custom and culture

Some try in error;
1) Buy some coins from the giftshops and make a comparison between these coins with your coin reference books.
2) Check on Shapes, design and molding.
3) You may email me for further forum discussion.

Is there a 100% sure authentic /genunine stuffs only when you buy from a Antique shops?
My answer: Not necessary. When I first started my first antique collection, I also bought my stuffs from these shops. It was only some years later after my in-depth study I found out that those products I bought in my early years of collection, not all pieces are genuine stuffs.
There are some of these antiques which was produced/ replica during the era of the Song's dynasty when the Song's emperors took interest in these ancient China Antiques collection.
It was then,there was a lot of those replica coins and antiques vessels of the original Shang , Zhou; Qin and Han artifacts were replicated.
Although it was and can be consider as antique but it was not of the original dating antiques on these replica made during the Song's era.

How can you tell between antiques made from the original era and Song's era?
The answer is simple : Still go back to the basic. Check on the Patina Ageing layers.
The Song's replicas of these antiques cannot acheived the Patina Ageing Coating layers.
And also the Song's era replica on these Artifacts were molded with improvement and better cutting on the design and writing. Hence, it tells the differences between the original era and Song's era products.

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